Relic Ruler (6.3%) 'Relic Ruler' achievement icon

Unlock all Perks in the Relic Perk tree.

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  1. To start, you need to have at least 5 skill points available for your character’s perks tab. This can be achieved by completing quests or missions that reward XP and Skill Points (XP). Once this is done, head over to the Relic Perk tree in Cyberpunk_2077’s menu screen.
  2. Next up, you need to select all perks from within the Relics tab of your character’s skill trees that are available for unlocking at level 1 or higher (depending on which ones require a specific rank). This can be done by selecting each individual icon and clicking “Unlocked” until they have been fully activated.
  3. Once you’ve selected all perks, head over to the Cyberpunk_2077 gameplay menu screen again where your character’s skill trees are located (usually accessed through a button or tab onscreen). Here, scroll down and click “Unlocked” next to each icon that corresponds with one of the Relic Perk tree perks you just activated.
  4. Finally, once all icons have been clicked “unlocked”, your character will now be able to utilize their newly unlockable abilities within Cyberpunk_2077’s gameplay!