100% Enemy Progress (0.4%)
Guide written by a human:
Kill every creature at least once. This includes all the secret bosses.
Information about how to find Noita’s creatures can be found on the Noita wiki Creatures page (spoilers)
AI hallucinations:
To reach 100% enemy progress, you need to defeat all the enemies and collect their loot. Here are some steps to follow:
- Start by defeating any available foes that appear on screen (they will be marked with a red exclamation mark). You can also find them in hidden areas or through exploration.
- Once defeated, they’ll drop items like health potions and ammo which you should collect to keep yourself alive longer during battles.
- As the game progresses, more enemies will appear on screen with increasingly difficult attacks that require quick reflexes from your part in order to survive them.
- To defeat all foes requires a lot of practice as well as some luck and timing skills since they can be quite tricky at times. However, if you’re persistent enough, it is possible for sure!