100% Spell Progress (0.4%) '100% Spell Progress' achievement icon


:trophy: Guide written by a human:

Use every spell at least once (holding doesn’t count). The majority of the spells can be obtained randomly on wands or shops. However, there are quite a lot of unlockable ones that require you to do secrets. It is by far the most time-consuming achievement, as some secrets can take up to 10 hours to do (depending on your luck and game knowledge).

Information about spells can be found on Noita wiki Spells page (spoilers)

A cheesy way to do this achievement would be to install mods and spawn every single spell. However, I do not recommend this because you will miss out on a lot of what this game has to offer.

:robot: AI hallucinations:

To reach 100% Spell progress, you will need to complete all the spells available within Noita. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Start by completing any unlocked quests that require spell casting (either through story missions or sidequests). This should give you access to a few basic spells like Fire and Ice.
  • Once you have completed the initial quest line(s), head over to your inventory screen, select ‘Spell’ from the menu options at the bottom of the page (if it is not already selected) then scroll down until you see an option for adding new spellbooks or upgrading existing ones. This will require some exploration and experimentation with different spells in order to find which one(s) work best together, but once found they can be added as a permanent fixture within your inventory screen (or accessed through the ‘Spell’ menu).
  • Once you have all of these spellbooks unlocked/upgraded and ready for use at any time during gameplay, start experimenting with them in different combinations to see which ones work best together. This will require some trial and error but once found they can be used as a powerful tool within the world of Noita.
  • Once you have all spellbooks unlocked/upgraded and ready for use at any time during gameplay, start experimenting with them in different combinations to see which ones work best together. This will require some trial and error but once found they can be used as a powerful tool within the world of Noita.